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Registration Information

Please complete the following information before your child attends any classes at Seedling Theatre Company. Items marked with an * are required information.

Child lives with:
Child's identifying gender
Does your child have any medical conditions (physical, mental, emotional) that might limit participation in activities?
Does your child have any allergies?
Is your child currently taking any prescription medications?
Seedling Theatre Company, L.L.C. has my permission to use my child’s photograph or image to publicly to promote the company and its programs. I understand that the images may be used in print and online publications, presentations, website and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me or my child by reason of such use.

Thanks for submitting--Please make sure you have submitted the Liability Waiver as well

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Questions or Requests:

Thanks for submitting!

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