Registering for a class…
Check to verify the class age range, dates and times, total or monthly class payment cost, and the production fee cost
Go to the Online Store/Registration tab and find your class OR click the "Register Now" button next to the class listing on the Spring 2021 Classes page.
From the "payment for" option, choose PRODUCTION FEE and add that to your bag. (If you would like to make any class payments at this time, you can add those to your bag one at a time.) Payment of the PRODUCTION FEE holds your child’s place in that class until Jan. 1st when the 1st monthly payment is due.
Look for your confirmation email after the PRODUCTION FEE is paid.
Return to the Online Store before January 1st to make your January payment and on the 1st of each subsequent month thru the end of the semester (Jan-May) 5 monthly payments
Payments are not auto- paid. If you would like to set up Automatic monthly payments for tuition, please fill out the authorization form from the “New Student Forms” tab on the top menu and return it to Seedling
Print out the required paperwork from the “New Student Forms” tab on the top menu, complete it and bring it with you on the first day of classes or email it to Kris@seedlingtheatrecompany.com
And you're done....